Monthly report form 
Here is the information as well as the necessary documents related to the monthly report that must be sent to the Parity Committee.
Here is the information as well as the necessary documents related to the monthly report that must be sent to the Parity Committee.
The employer who wants to send electronically his monthly reports by internet must communicate with the Parity Committee in order to receive his access to the site, his user name and his password.
The employer who wants to send his reports on paper may use one of the following PDF models. He may also asks to receive monthly by mail our pre-printed paper forms.
Attention : please use the Firefox or Google Chrome browser to complete the form.
The form will calculate the earnings and RRSP contribution of the month for each employee, according to the amounts you will indicate in the different sections. The RRSP contribution is calculated according to the rate as of October 30th, 2017 (0,45$/hour).
Attention: the two last lines (total amount due for the month) do not calculate automatically, in case you have more than one employee to report.
If you have only one employee, fill the form and print it out. Then, you must calculate the two last lines manually.
If you have more than one employee, you can complete a sheet for the first one, than print it out, and start a new one for the followings. Once all the employees have been completed, you can calculate the total amount due for the month on one of your sheets.
The employer can use one of the following methods to send his reports:
1. Aramis web / CRM portal
The Parity Committee has developed an easy-to-use web platform, which allows the employer to produce its reports via the Internet.
The employer must first contact the Parity Committee to obtain the required access.
Once the report has been completed, a simple “click” enables the employer to send it via the Internet to the Parity Committee. Subsequently, the employer sends two (2) separate checks for the payment of the levy and the RRSP contributions. In addition, the employer who has registered for the pre-authorized payment program does not need to send their checks by mail.
2. Paper reports with the forms provided by the Parity Committee
The employer can use the pre-printed forms that the Committee sends out monthly to employers who prefer this option.
Two PDF form templates are also available on our site under the Tools menu – Monthly report.
3. Paper reports with an employer form
Employers who wish to use their own paper forms must have their model approved beforehand.
If the model does not meet the criteria required by the regulations, the Committee may require the use of the tools that we make available to employers.
4. Report in electronic format (employer programming required)
It is possible for an employer to send his monthly reports in computer files.
This requires programming in order to extract the information from the employer’s payroll system and organize it in a file whose configuration is determined by the Joint Committee.
Please contact us if you are interested in this option.