Code of conduct
The Board of directors assures employers, employees and partners that the Committee is worthy of confidence and takes all means to maintain such confidence.
1. The administrator or his substitute does not receive any material or financial benefits as a board member of the Committee.
2. The administrator or his substitute commits himself to behave and act in transparency regarding matters of the Committee.
3. The administrator or his substitute commits himself to take into account the interests of the Committee and to avoid any conflict of interest or any apparent conflict of interest while performing his duties. Therefore, he must avoid all situations where he would be in a position to favour his personal gain or that of a related person, to the detriment of the Committee.
4. The administrator or his substitute must, following his election or his starting date, and on a yearly basis after that, on the first meeting of the Board of directors, disclose to the Committee any ties with a related person or any interest that he may have, personally or through a related person, in an organization, a company or an association which could place him in a situation of conflict of interest, as well as any privileges that he might use, personally or through a related person, against the Committee.
If any changes occur during the year, that might place him in a situation of conflict of interest between his personal interest or the one of a related person and the interest of the Committee, he must disclose it immediately, in writing and must withdraw himself from the Board meeting and abstain from voting or taking part in any discussion or decision related to the organization, the company, the association, or the moral person in which he has such an interest.
5. The administrator or his substitute may not accept any bonus or benefits for himself or a third party, regardless of its nature or origin. Likewise, he must not influence a transaction or decision by offering someone a bonus or benefits.
6. The administrator or his substitute or any representative or executive manager may not accept any personal gift from any company or organization who wish to extend/underline/show their gratitude.
7. The administrator or his substitute commits himself to avoid any discrimination as provided by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
8. The administrator or his substitute commits himself to submit to an audit of his criminal record by the police service or any other body mandated by the SQ in order to verify his criminal record. This verification will be done annually or at the start of the mandate, when the administrator changes.
9. At any given time, the activities organized by and/or for the Committee as well as its publications should be tasteful and abide by the present policy.
10. The administrator or his substitute commits himself to keep up to date with laws and regulations, as well as with any important study regarding the development, the conduct and practices which may be related with an orientation or a stake with short, middle or long term impact for the organization.
11. Any complaint related to a situation that does not respect the Code of Ethics and Conduct must be notified to the general director and/or to the president of the Board of directors.
In case a Board member is in breach of its commitment, duties and responsibility, the administrators of the Board of directors will meet in a closed session to discuss the matter.